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CLOSED: The Black Wealth Bootcamp: Session Starts June 4, 2016
Administrative Information
How does the Black Wealth Bootcamp work?
Welcome to the Black Wealth Bootcamp - Make sure you read this first
Lectures, slides and power point presentations
Recording of lecture #1 - Lessons from the runaway slave (128:19)
Powerpoint slides for Lecture #1 - Lessons from the runaway slave
Powerpoint Lecture #2
Black Wealth Bootcamp Lecture #2 (120:23)
Office hours from Dr Boyce Watkins - Great information here (70:44)
Black Wealth Bootcamp Lecture #3 powerpoint slides
Recording of Lecture #3 - Why you were never meant to have a boss (109:26)
Recording of Lecture #4: How people make money on the Internet (130:56)
Lecture #4 Slides: How people make money on the Internet
Slides for lecture #5: How to build your own black wall street
Recording for Lecture #5 - How to build your own Black Wall Street (113:53)
Let's get started
Doing work that you actually love (4:54)
Dr Boyce and Ryan Mack on Getting yourself together Financia (5:28)
Building your business for scalability (3:26)
Leveraging your networks as a business owner (5:18)
Time to Wake Up Are black people more comfortable working fo (31:02)
What every black person needs to know about saving money (20:19)
using video to build your brand (6:26)
How black people waste a trillion dollars per year (54:48)
How to open your first investment account (it's actually very easy) (9:23)
How to buy your first share of stock in 10 minutes or less (22:41)
The critical nature of business communications (5:32)
build your empire brick by brick (3:04)
The Black Wealth Academy How to start your own business (105:32)
The stock market in 30 seconds (4:28)
Dr. Boyce Watkins Your Greatest Investment Is Your Mate-1 (9:53)
Dr. Boyce Watkins - Blacks must start their own Businesses (14:30)
Here's a really cool and simple way to save money (7:00)
How to buy one share of stock (9:37)
Are you a Financial Zombie? (14:12)
Black Wealth Expert Dr Boyce Watkins The Scholar for Black A (1:56)
4 ways that black people are brainwashed from birth (9:48)
Black man sells his app for a billion dollars (9:24)
Choosing the right person to hire for your business (4:59)
Supplemental material for the program
"Homeless, Unemployed, PhD, Vet Starts Business in Car." Meet: Dr. Tia-Lola Armwood (9:18)
When should I incorporate my business? Do I need a business plan? (3:03)
Dr Boyce Webinar - 3/18/16 (74:00)
Dr Boyce Watkins: Here's when you should quit your job (5:39)
Dr Boyce Watkins class meeting - 4/`12/16 (90:54)
5 steps toward creating a great business plan (2:01)
Did you know that financial disagreements are the #1 cause of divorce? (5:20)
Black people who are doing big things
This man raised $34,000 on Kickstarter in just one month (18:01)
This attorney helps people buy franchises (65:20)
Dr Tyra Seldon: How to make a living as a blogger or author (68:03)
Film maker Ric Mathis wants to build a Black Hollywood (74:27)
How black people waste a trillion dollars per year
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