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The New Black Wealth Bootcamp: Get off the corporate plantation
Introduction to The Black Wealth Bootcamp
Welcome to The Black Wealth Bootcamp!
Information about the next class meeting
Lecture 1: Escaping the Corporate Plantation
Lecture 1: Escaping The Corporate Plantation (Video) (128:19)
Lecture 1: Escaping The Corporate Plantation (Powerpoint)
Quiz 1 - Escaping the Corporate Plantation
Recordings From LIVE Lectures With Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr Boyce presents: How to turn your child into a millionaire (79:39)
Q&A with Dr Boyce - 5/16/17 (81:42)
How to choose a business partner (102:34)
Q&A Session: May 12th, 2017 (89:29)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents - How to start your wealth-building journey and build a family economic empire/Dr Boyce Lecture - How to LEEP over the competition - The Dr Boyce Wealth Building Life Cycle (101:16)
Dr Boyce Watkins bootcamp lecture - 6/11/17 (95:25)
Dr Boyce Bootcamp lecture - Sunday, June 18, 2017 (61:39)
Dr Boyce Bootcamp lecture June 25th, 2017 (56:20)
Dr Boyce bootcamp lecture 7/2/17 (82:11)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: How to start building a side hustle (78:36)
Black Wealth Bootcamp lecture 8/7/17 (55:02)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: The 7 golden rules of love and money (57:49)
9/5/17 - How to save the right way and where is bitcoin headed in the future? (95:56)
Biggest mistakes made by new business owners (72:48)
Additional Content From Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr Boyce Watkins Q&A session - Black Wealth Conversation - 5/27/17 (96:39)
Dr Boyce lecture - 5/22/17 (87:30)
Dr Boyce presents: How to build your own family bank (86:13)
Investing in the stock market - Part 2 - 5/29/17 (89:08)
How to start a business with very little money (108:10)
Powerpoint slides - How to start a business with very little money
Black Wealth Conversation with Dr Boyce Watkins - 6/8/17 (63:19)
Dr Boyce lecture - 7/24/17 (84:11)
Dr Boyce Lecture - How the Federal Reserve Works and How it affects the price of your stocks (76:11)
How people are able to retire by the age of 28 - The FIRE method for obtaining financial independence (82:10)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: The 7 golden rules of kids and money (40:34)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: How to quit your job forever (106:01)
Dr Boyce Watkins: Why you want to stop looking for your dream job (91:04)
Dr Boyce Watkins Presents: How to create a winning business plan (77:12)
Basic moves that can make you into a millionaire (112:44)
Mini-Lectures by Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr Boyce analyzes Uber stock to show the impact of information on stock prices (80:00)
How the rule of 72 can make you rich (4:08)
All about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies (33:37)
The rules of economic self-defense (4:40)
Dr Boyce Watkins Presents: The 7 golden rules of love and money (57:49)
How to start your own black business (105:32)
How to stop yourself from overspending (5:41)
Powerpoint slides - 6 things every person needs to know about saving
The MAPP model for finding the perfect mentors, partners and professionals (7:01)
Lectures with Special Guests
E-Commerce Strategies And Tactics by Maria Lloyd- 7/16/17 (87:49)
Meet Ryan McCrary, owner of McCrary Financial Solutions (50:52)
This man is an expert on Bitcoin and is building his business in this explosive new industry (58:44)
This young entrepreneur is heavily invested in Bitcoin (30:10)
CEO Lauren Anderson breaks down corporate America (68:27)
Dr Boyce & Lanee Javet explain how to properly plan for your death and keep your estate in-tact (58:32)
This cryptocurrency expert says that bitcoin is the wave of the future (31:11)
Different World Star Darryl Bell speaks on the business of entertainment (122:55)
How to get others to fund your ideas - Part 1 (89:51)
Lecture 2: Financial Habits You Need to Let Go of Right Now
Lecture 2 - Financial Habits You Need to Let Go of Right Now (Video) (120:23)
Lecture 2 - Financial Habits You Need to Let Go of Right Now (PowerPoint)
Quiz 2 - Financial Habits You Need to Let Go of Right Now
Lecture 3: Why You Were Never Meant to Have a Boss
Lecture 3: Why You Were Never Meant to Have a Boss (Video 1) (109:26)
Lecture 3: Why You Were Never Meant to Have a Boss (Video 2) (36:02)
Lecture 3: Why You Were Never Meant to Have a Boss (PowerPoint)
Quiz 3 - Why You Were Never Meant to Have a Boss
Lecture 4: How to Make Money On the Internet
Lecture 4: How to Make Money On the Internet (Video) (130:56)
Lecture 4: How to Make Money On the Internet (PowerPoint)
Quiz 4 - How to Make Money on the Internet
Lecture 5: How to Build Your Own Black Wall Street
Lecture 5: How to Build Your Own Black Wall Street (Video) (113:53)
Lecture 5: How to Build Your Own Black Wall Street (PowerPoint)
Quiz 5 - How to Build Your Own Black Wall Street
Books and Reading Lists
Download Your Free Copy of Black American Money by Dr. Boyce Watkins
Must-Reads For Every Aspiring Entrepreneur
Understanding The Sales Funnel
The Sales Funnel: An In-Depth Guide (38:38)
Quiz 1: Understanding the Sales Funnel
More content for you to chew on
Billions are being made in technology - are you learning or sitting still? - Michelle Martin (86:23)
How to become a boss in real estate- Andre C. Hatchett (83:01)
This 25-year old is running an economic empire - Shareef Abdul-Malik (63:19)
Black Wealth Conversation with Dr Boyce Watkins (106:01)
Dr Boyce Watkins: Why you should avoid friends who are broke (49:21)
If I marry someone with bad credit, does that impact me too? (21:52)
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: How to keep broke relatives from ruining you (74:28)
Yes, your child can be a millionaire - here's how (66:30)
Dr Boyce & Warren Ballentine - Business Q&A - 12/21/17 (51:14)
Here's why buying a new car is a horrible, horrible investment (86:25)
Dr Boyce: Why people with Masters Degrees still aren't getting the jobs they want (74:26)
Everything you need to know about employment contracts (65:16)
Al about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
What's the future of Bitcoin? Here are some of the risks - Dr Boyce lecture on 11/4/17 (54:50)
When buying crypto beware! - The IRS is always watching (43:17)
Bitcoin keeps rising, but it's risky - Dr Boyce Q&A - 12/16/17 (87:14)
Black Wealth Conversation - 12/20/17 (100:37)
Bitcoin suffers a big dip - the experts break this down (59:00)
Dr Boyce Live Events
Day 1 of London Economic Empowerment Event (137:50)
London day 2 evening (136:06)
London day 2 morning (139:33)
Rapper Dee-1 explains how he uses business training to succeed in hip-hop (66:09)
Credit, Credit Cards and Credit scores
The 5 Cs of Credit (4:57)
The 8 deadly sins of credit (3:47)
Foundational basics of the credit system (60:21)
How to check your credit report (4:39)
What if marry someone with bad credit? (21:52)
What is a good credit score? (4:03)
Attorney explains secrets your bill collectors don't want you to know (44:01)
Confessions of a CEO - Dr Boyce gives the real deal on what it's like to run a company
The buck stops with you and no one else (3:06)
Raising money is a pain in the butt (2:11)
You won't get everything right, I promise (2:04)
Tariq Nasheed explains how he built his economic empire - 1/1/18 (80:26)
Dr Boyce: How money buys happiness and how your grand kids can have over $100 million dollars (81:49)
Never hire someone who is just there for the money (11:25)
The Black Money Minute: How to have effective team meetings without wasting a lot of time (1:24)
Yes, Money DOES grow on trees (1:01)
Dr Boyce Lecture - The keys to finding financial security (66:03)
Dr Boyce Black Wealth Conversations
Dr Boyce Watkins: How millionaire brains work differently (125:42)
How donations can murder your business (27:41)
Why black college graduates aren't building wealth (88:17)
Is Bitcoin a real asset or just another ponzi scheme? - 2/12/18 (72:22)
Dr Claud Anderson and the art of Black Powernomics (66:43)
Why Warren Buffett doesn't trust cryptocurrency - 2/15/18 (96:23)
Building a Bullet proof business - Shonna Etienne (83:38)
Dr Claud Anderson gives the history of politiicans and why we may be a permanent underclass (63:14)
How to pitch your business idea to those who might fund it - Part II (89:51)
How to pitch your business idea to those who may fund it - Part I (116:26)
Pitching your business to those who will fund it - Part 3 (118:56)
Dr Claud Anderson: Why Integration was a failed strategy (79:05)
Why some people get rich and others do not (92:05)
Do we even know what Power is? - Dr Claud Anderson (57:50)
Here's why the stock market is crashing - 4/2/18 (109:10)
How Warren Buffett turned $114 into $400,000 (74:05)
Dr Claud Anderson takes issue with Kanye West's remarks about slavery (64:30)
Dr Claud Anderson: How Indians and Feminists sought to harm black people (58:18)
Making money in the coaching industry (53:56)
Ask an attorney: Why Lebron is better at business than basketball (61:14)
Two college professors explain why universities are harming black wealth (62:50)
New Lecture (109:34)
Different World Star Darryl Bell speaks on the business of entertainment
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